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Health Services
Contact Information:
-Elementary School Nurse: Lydia Manning, RN (409) 746-2731 ext. 3240
-JR/High School Nurse: Kristina Milligan, LVN (409) 746-2731 ext. 4102
Illness at School:
You can help us prevent the spread of contagious diseases by making sure your child is not ill in
the morning before he or she comes to school. Fever and a lack of appetite are two good indications
that a student may not be feeling well. Fever should be checked with a thermometer. If it registers 100
degrees or more, the student should be kept at home until he or she has been free of fever for 24
hours without fever reducing medications. All students should eat breakfast to avoid the "mid-morning
slump"; and the hunger pains some mistake for a stomach ache as well as for future well-being. Once the
breakfast habit is established, lack of appetite in the morning probably indicates an illness
Students should stay home or will be sent home under the following circumstances:
1. Suspected contagious disease.
2. Fever of 100 degrees or greater.
3. Persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea.
4. If the student has been injured to the extent that he needs the attention of a physician.
5. Live lice found, will need to be treated and can return to school after evaluation by the school nurse.
6. Unknown rash, will be sent home to be evaluated by physician and can return once released by
*Students not feeling well will be evaluated by the nurse. Should the student call home to leave after
the nurse has deemed them fit to stay, it will not be an excused nurse absence. You will need to bring an
excuse for your child in this instance.
State law requires us to adhere to very strict guidelines when giving medications at school. The
school will not provide any medication, as per our policy. All medications must be brought by the parent
and follow the following guidelines.
First, we cannot give any medications, Prescription or OTC, without written permission of parents. (The
form to be filled out is in the student handbook, and can also be obtained from the health office at your
school or under the Health Services Tab on the website.)
Second, prescription medication cannot be given unless it is in the original container with the
prescription number, the name of the physician, name of student and directions for giving it.
*The Medication Authorization Form must also be signed by a physician if it is an ongoing medication
to be taken at school for longer than 2 weeks, i.e. Inhalers, ADHD medication, Acid Reflux Medication,
Epi-Pens, etc. (Prescriptions for less than 2 weeks, such as antibiotics, do not have to have the form
signed by the physician but it must be filled out and signed by a parent.)
*Students with Asthma, Severe Allergies/Anaphylaxis, or Seizures must have the appropriate action
plans filled out by their physician and brought to their nurse with their medication. These forms can be
obtained from the school health office or from our website.
*All diabetics must have a current Diabetes Medical Management Plan brought to the nurse. These are
usually obtained from their Physician’s office, but a generic one to be filled out by the Doctor can be
obtained from the school health office or found on our website.
Third, over the counter medication will be given for specific reasons written on the Medication
Authorization Form ONLY and for up to 10 doses, provided it is in the original container and has an age
appropriate dose on its label. If the medication needs to be given for more than ten doses, there must
be an order from a physician. The school nurse will not give more than the recommended dose on the
medication label even if requested to do so by the parent.
*The school nurse will also not give any herbal/dietary supplements or vitamins unless specified in the
students’ IEP or 504 plan, or a Doctor’s order is given.
No student will carry medication on his or her person (only exception is asthma inhalers and diabetes
management supplies for secondary school age children, for more information discuss this with your
school nurse for students of middle/high school age). All medications must be brought to school and
picked up by parent/guardian. For Jr/High school only: OTC medications can be brought by the student
in a sealed original container to the nurse with a signed Medication Authorization form by the parent.
(Prescription Medication must be brought by a parent/guardian) If the student is caught with any open
medication containers they may be subject to disciplinary action by the principal. All medication
prescription and over the counter will be dispensed from the health office.
Medications must be picked up by parent/guardian within two weeks of being discontinued. Parents
will need to pick-up medication left at the end of the school year, prior to the last school day.
Medication will not be sent home with students. All medication not picked up in a timely manner will be
Immunization Requirements:
Texas school and child-care facility immunization requirements are determined by the state
legislature and set by the Texas Department of State Health Services, in conjunction with the
Texas Education Agency.
Maintaining adequate immunization rates in schools is critical to preventing disease outbreaks
and ensuring the health of Texas children.
The following link shows all immunizations required, if you have any questions please contact
your school nurse.
You are allowed to file a conscious exemption; however, you must bring to the nurse a
notarized affidavit. These are to be renewed every two years.
Students who have medical reasons for not getting a required vaccine must have a note signed
by their physician.
Health Forms:
Medication Authorization Form:
-Over the counter meds such as Tylenol/ibuprofen/etc., Form must be filled out
completely and signed by the parent before it can be given at school.
-Prescriptions to be taken for less than 2 weeks such as antibiotics, Form must be filled
out completely and signed by the parent before it can be given at school.
-Prescriptions to be taken longer than 2 weeks such as any ADHD medication, Asthma
Inhalers, Epi-Pens, Reflux medication, etc. Form must be filled out completely and signed by
parent and the Physician before it can be given at school.
Asthma Action Plan:
-Must be filled out completely and signed by the physician and be brought with the
student’s rescue inhaler/medication to school.
-If your child is in grade 6 or higher and can accurately identify their need to take a
rescue inhaler, take the prescribed dose appropriately, and can demonstrate this to their
physician, they may qualify for self-carry of their asthma inhaler according to Texas Education
Code - EDUC § 38.015. Self-Administration of Prescription Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medicine by
Students. If you believe they do, take the self-carry form to their doctor and have it signed.
Severe Allergy/Anaphylaxis Action Plan:
-Must be filled out completely and signed by the physician and be brought with the
students Epi-Pen or other prescribed medications to school.
-If your child is in grade 6 or higher and can accurately identify their need to take their
Epi-Pen, and can demonstrate this to their physician, they may qualify for self-carry of their Epi-
Pen according to Texas Education Code - EDUC § 38.015. Self-Administration of Prescription
Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medicine by Students. If you believe they do, take the self-carry form to
their doctor and have it signed.
Seizure Action Plan:
-Must be filled out completely and signed by the physician and be brought to school
with the student’s prescribed medications.
Diabetes Medical Management Plan:
-Most doctors have their own Diabetes Medical Management Plan they can give if you
ask, if not this is a generic form to be filled out and signed by the physician. We must have one
to appropriately treat your student’s blood sugars.
Healthy School Newsletters
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